Happy Easter!
Happy Easter wishes to all our patients and families!
from Dr. Yucel and Natural Pediatrics Team.
Some people associate the “Natural” in pediatrics with “No Vaccines” or “No Shots.” We recognize and acknowledge all those concerns and questions in minds of many parents; and we are proud to say we like to work with our parents and are open minded for friendly and comfortable vaccination schedules. However, we believe in tremendous benefits of vaccinations in conquering the childhood preventable diseases. We believe that the benefits of vaccination outweigh not vaccinating and its potentially terrible consequences.
Are Your Kids Eating the Right Carbs?
Are Your Children Eating the Right Carbs?
Do you and your children know the difference between french fries and baked sweet potato? Or, what are the differences between typical processed breakfast cereal, full of high-fructose corn-syrup and artificial colorings; and a bowl of steel-cut oats with berries, nuts and seeds?
All the foods above are rich sources of carbohydrates.
In the recent years carbohydrates reputation has swung wildly and carbohydrates have been touted as bad food in many fad diets. On the other hand, some carbs have been promoted as a healthful nutrient that helps maintain optimal weight, while lowering risk of disease and cancer.
So which is it? Are carbs good or bad? The short answer is that they are both.
Pediatric Medicine and Children: Why Natural Pediatrics?
A lot of parents are worried about the increasing trend of treating children by using prescription medications and antibiotics and they are seeking pediatricians who also believe in integrating the advanced modern pediatric medicine by using preventative care as well as natural approaches to health. A lot of the drugs that doctors prescribe today aren’t necessary and even in many cases harmful. Example: antibiotics are widespread and frequently used in the treatment of upper respiratory tract infections. On average, one in five visits to the doctor will result in a prescription for antibiotics. Unfortunately, most infections aren’t caused by bacteria but rather by viruses. They don’t need antibiotics as antibiotics won’t fight infections caused by viruses such as colds, sore throats or bronchitis or even certain ear infections. Thus, the prescriptions are likely to provide no benefit whatsoever to the child. Doctors have long over prescribed these medicines that can cause drug related side effects. This can be avoided. There is no need to suffer diarrhea, skin rashes, allergic reactions to antibiotics in most cases. When this occurs, children often have to seek more medical attention to counter act the side effects of the drugs. Over using antibiotics also can contribute to antibiotic resistant virus strains and create even more unnecessary medical costs. By focusing on a natural pediatric approach, doctors can help reduce this emergence of drug resistant viruses. Always choose a pediatrician that has a solid medical education and has earned the MD as well as served for a term as a pediatric resident at a top hospital. You’ll also wish to have a doctor who isn’t...St. Patrick’s Day: Celebrate with Green Drinks
reen juices and green smoothies are especially fun to have with your children for St. Patty’s celebration. Even picky eaters may agree to give those drinks a try on such occasion.
So for your St. Patty’s celebration, go green with these juicing recipes.
And remember, it’s not just St Patrick’s Day that you can celebrate with green food and drinks.
Website Update
We are pleased to announce the launch of our newly updated website.
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